Consumerism Zombies
Culture of Consumerism
Much of the Western World has been transformed into a Cult of Consumerism and grounded in Fashionable Consumption. As the Limitations of the Natural World become more clear, something must be done to Challenge Consumerism
It can be hard to pinpoint a definition for consumerism. However, generally the term is used to describe people that conflate wants and needs. For example, some people might identify the new iPhone as a want that would be nice to have. While others actually would describe this as something "need" in order to be happy; to the extent that they will actually wait in line for hours on end to be the first to purchase the new iContraption. Consumerism can also include the concept of fashionable consumption. Fashionable consumption goes beyond what an individual actually needs in terms of their physical well-being.
For example, we all probably need coats...
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