One group has offered that social welfare reform would be an effective deterrent to corruption. "Conditional cash transfer programs, an innovation in social welfare administration, have received considerable acclaim as a means of enhancing human capital and reducing leakage of public resources" (Grimes and Wangnerud, 2010), one extensive form of corruption in Mexico. It is innovative problem solving such as this that offers the greatest hope for bringing government corruption to an end in either Mexico or the United States.

A second example of programs that are being implemented in Mexico to counter crime and corruption is a school-based program on the U.S.-Mexican border. "This strategy consists of a 36 lesson course developed in collaboration between Mexican and American teachers, whose intent is to build support for a culture of lawfulness and further the rule of law" (Kenney and Godson, 2002). Certainly no one is naive enough to believe that...
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