Katie Chopin the Storm
Comparing Symbols of the Storm to an Illicit Love Affair: Kate Chopin's "The Storm"
Kate Chopin's short story the storm is a fiery tale of two lovers, whose passion comes just as fast as the onset of the violent storm that serves as the backdrop of the story. Throughout the short story, there are symbols presented by Chopin that correlate both with the onset of the raging storm and the spontaneous tryst between the two lovers, Calixta and Alcee. The rapid onset of the affair, the growing strength, the spontaneous nature, and the negative and adulterous undertones are all used by Chopin to describe both the storm and the illicit affair between the two.
The storm came on almost as a complete surprise, as did their love and their act of making love. The entire duration of the storm is fast, yet powerful, which compares to...
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