Personal Statement
In 2006, I moved to the U.S.A. from the Ukraine to get married, despite not speaking any English and leaving all of my family and friends. A year later, I was enrolled in ____college learning English and studying to be a Registered Nurse. In 2009 I entered ____'s (name of the college) Accelerated Nursing Program, which I completed in 18 months to graduate with a Bachelor Degree in Nursing in 2010.
My life has been a series of deliberate challenges with which to refine my character and hone my focus as a health care provider. I would like to be accepted into this university's Anesthesia program in order to assist patients in what I am convinced is my area of specialty.
I initially desired to become an anesthetist during my first clinical rotation in nursing school. I spent considerable time talking to individuals in this profession and, after...
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