Endocrine Pancreas
Review of Symptoms and Lab Results
The reported nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain may indicate a GI disorder, but combined with the patient's diabetes, unusual thirst, constant urination, and fatigue, the symptoms are more indicative of an endocrine disorder (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006).
Some of the patient's lab results fall into the normal range: BUN of 16 mg/dl (normal is 8 -- 25 mg/dl); creatinine of 1.3 (normal is 0.5 -- 1.7 mg/dl); sodium of 139 mEq/L (normal is 135 -- 145 mEq/L); blood pressure of 90/60 (normal is less than 120/80); and temperature of 99 .1°F (Chernecky & Berger, 2001; Pagana & Pagana, 2003).
Other lab results fall outside of the normal range: glucose of 420 mg/dl is very high (normal is 60 to 110 mg/dl); 4+ glucose and 3+ ketones are very high (normal is no glucose or ketones present in the urine); pH of...
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