Louisiana Purchase (MLA Citation)
"Some Still Bitter Over U.S. Purchase of Louisiana"
Weeks after the recent ratification of a treaty with France ceding control of not only New Orleans to the United States, but the whole of the Louisiana Territory, some in Congress are still bitter about the deal. Speaking for the still angered Federalist opposition, Senator from Delaware, Samuel White, recently was quoted during a session of Congress as stating that while "he [President Jefferson] thinks a delivery sufficient to justify the payment of money we may not."[footnoteRef:1] And the expenditure of money was not the opposition's only complaint, as the Senator continued "…it is well-known that Spain considers herself injured by the treaty."[footnoteRef:2] Even after the Senate's ratification of the Treaty last October 20th, the opposition still seems to be quite strong. [1: Cerami, Charles A. Jefferson's Great Gamble. Naperville, Illinois: Source, 2003. pp. 215-216. Quoting Delaware Senator...
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