District of Columbia v. Heller
District of Columbia vs. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008) represents the U.S. Supreme Court's single biggest intervention in Second Amendment jurisprudence. The case was one which had been deliberately manufactured by a small cadre of ideologues: the case was organized and funded from the first by Robert Levy, a Senior Fellow with the libertarian Cato Institute. In 2010, Levy would address his own achievements in getting the Heller case before the supreme court in an article published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, calling the Heller decision a "big win for common sense" and a "big win for the Constitution" (Levy 216). Levy cherry-picked a diverse group of defendants in order to argue that a broad spectrum of persons were adversely affected by the Dicstrict of Columbia's handgun band (left without an ability to defend themselves). Levy's plantiffs found their initial suit...
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