In many respects, every element of his page is designed to glorify his accomplishments and his fearsome persona. Anne-Maree's Fewtrell's MySpace page is devoid of visual imagery with the exception of a single low-key, natural-setting photograph of her. The remainder of her page expresses her interests and her values in text with minimal references to her personal accomplishments or attributes. Whereas the form of Ben Daley's page is primarily designed to feature him prominently, Anne-Maree's page focuses more on the abstract ideas and values with which she identifies.
The respective websites use language very differently. Ben uses profanity extensively and gratuitously where it is conspicuous and unnecessary. His choice of language and expression are consistent with his aggressiveness and his apparent anger and his explicit apparent capacity for violence and extreme aggression. Meanwhile, Anne-Maree's website text is well written and articulate and its tone and choice of language are...
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