International style of architecture was a major style that emerged, and rose in popularity, in the 1920s and 1930s. The term "International Style" stems from the name of a book by Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson written to record an International Exhibition of Modern Architecture that was held at the Museum of Modern Art. This occurred in New York City in 1932. This International Exhibition not only identified, but categorized and expanded upon characteristics common to Modernism. The impact was felt across the world. Hitchcock's and Johnson's goals were to define a style of that time, which would encompass this new, modern architecture. They identified three unique principles: "the expression of volume rather than mass, balance rather than preconceived symmetry and the expulsion of applied ornament" (Henry Russell Hitchcock).
All the works which were displayed as part of the exhibition were carefully selected, as only works which strictly followed the...
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