Quality Management and Effective Cost Reduction Achieved at Bosch GmbH, Germany by Implementation of Its Systems with Special Emphasis on Total Quality Management
Company Profile
"Prevention" -- Quality Management
Product Design
Process Design And It Enabled Solutions
IT Involvement
Material, Manpower, Knowledge and Its Quality
Cost Of Quality
Operations Objectives -- Application Of Quality Management Principle For Better Productivity And Profits
Gap models qm - Quality Management
Tqm - Total Quality Management
ISO - International Standards Organization
CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing
CAD - Computer Aided Design
In Robert Bosch GmbH, quality management is a holistic approach to a comprehensive assimilation of precise customer requirements, and satisfying customer aspirations by making consistent quality deliveries at the right price, in time and with least hassles to the community around you. Quality management, therefore, involves the effective design of the products, and the processes focused on customer specifications, besides planning the product...
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