Truman Show
Cunningham, Douglas A. "A Theme Park Built for One: The New Urbanism vs. Disney Design in The Truman Show." Critical Survey, Volume 17, Number 1, Pages 109 -130, 2005.
The focus on this article are the real cities and towns that are the basis and/or inspiration for the fictional town of Seahaven, the hometown of the protagonist of The Truman Show, Truman Burbank, as played by actor James Carrey. The article spends several pages simply describing the history of towns such as Seahaven, particularly in the state of Florida, where a number of Disney related theme parks are located. Cunningham charts the history of the town Celebration, a complete Disney owned and Disney operated town. Cunningham calls Celebration an example of "New Urbanism" and "manufactured happiness." Seahaven, like Celebration, is an example of manufactured happiness via a physical space, but whereas Disney World is for anyone who has...
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