Nursing Ethics Related to Savior Siblings
This work in writing addresses the ethical issues relating to parents undergo a procedure to conceive a child that will perfectly match blood with a child who is sick for the purpose of saving the sick child's life. This procedure is known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis (POGD) This procedure, while providing hope to parents who are desperate, carries with it ethical implications and concerns.
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is reported as an "early form of pre-natal diagnosis and a procedure in which a biopsy is taken from an embryo previously fertilized outside of a woman's womb to determine different characteristics about that embryo prior to in vitro fertilization and implantation." (Fasbender, 2009, p.17) This procedure was used first in 1989 and was used for the purpose of avoiding "the implantation of an embryo that was affected by a mutation or chromosomal abnormality...
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