Fresh Direct
Product planning
FreshDirect: A unique opportunity
Consumers today are busy -- often so busy they do not have time to shop. Grocery shopping is time-consuming, especially after work. Getting to the store, parking, navigating the aisles (especially with small children) and checking out -- not most consumers' idea of a fun evening. FreshDirect offers a great solution: online shopping. With a few clicks of a mouse, and for a small fee, the chore of grocery shopping is accomplished with great ease for the consumer. There is no need to even carry heavy shopping bags to the car.
Consumers are health-conscious and want to improve the quality of their lives by cooking at home more and eating out less. However, it is easy to grab takeout rather than grocery shop because of the pressures surrounding the chore of shopping. FreshDirect ensures that healthy foods are waiting on the customer's...
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