18). Author Brenda Lange explains that "Putin did well" in high school and that in fact School 281 was for "the city's brightest students" (Shields, 2007, 2007, p. 33). Putin was drawn to literature, history, and art.
It seems the response to the Erickson's 12 to 18 years-of-age format in this context is that Putin in high school had no role confusion and did not have a weak sense of him. At School 281 the teachers handed out "the underground samizdat" (materials that questioned whether or not the Soviet state was "realistic"), which was a stealth strategy in literature class, that Putin may have found to be fascinating (knowing he would pursue a career as a spy later) (Shields, p. 33). "… Classmates and teachers remembered him as a top student who was self-confident," Shields writes. One day when the teacher wasn't watching a boy kicked Putin from behind; Putin...
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