Race to the Top-District Rfa Analysis
School Grant Programs
On May 22, 2012, the Secretary of Education made public the U.S. Department of Education's (ED) intention to build upon recent achievements in education through the Race to the Top-State programs (ED, 2012a) by offering an additional $383 million in grant funding to local school districts in 2012 (ED, 2012b). The goal of the Race to the Top District (RTT-D) Competition is to continue advancing bold innovation and educational standards made possible through state Race to the Top grants. This essay examines the requirements and criteria that must be met in order to apply to the RTT-D program.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility for applying to the RTT-D is limited to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) or a consortium of LEAs (ED, 2012c). Based on Title IX, Section 9101, subsection 26, an LEA is defined as a public board of education or other public...
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