From your reading of Hasker, and using the categories he uses, what view of the mind/body problem do you think is exhibited by Picard? By Maddox? Support your answer.
When explaining the mind/body problem, Hasker points out that there are physical properties and mental properties of people that can enhance understanding of the Star Trek episode. Hasker also notes that the philosophical concept of dualism (between mind and body) and the psychological concept of behaviorism help us to conceptualize the mind/body problem.
In "The Measure of a Man," Picard and Maddox both understand that behaviorism alone cannot account for the totality of the human experience. Picard and Maddox agree that "intelligence, self-awareness and consciousness," which are abstract and immeasurable, can better define the life of a sentient being than can simple observations of behavior. Maddox assumes that Data is limited to the method by which he is created; this...
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