Fukuyama identifies many different qualities as being necessary to "Factor X." Why, then, does he call them collectively "Factor X"? How do you account for the seemingly infinite number of divergent views on what it is to be human? Use your own definition of "Factor X." Using this, write a paper on what it is to be human.
"The demand for recognition is the dominant passion of modernity" (Fukuyama 148). Different ethnic groups; women; members of religious minorities and nationalities; and persons with disabilities have all been demonized as 'less than human' throughout history, and according these groups fully human status is one of the greatest ideological triumphs of the 20th into the 21st century. However, although our definition of 'the human' has expanded, in most of our estimations, there are still finite limits. Some people would like to include animals into the definition of personhood, but most draw the...
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