Museum Comparison
Art museums
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City is one of the most famous art museums in the world. The idea for a large museum located in the city of New York was first formulated in 1866 when the statesman John Jay resolved to create a place to house America's great art collections in a central urban area. By the 20th century, the Museum achieved Jay's goal of becoming one of the world's greatest collections of art. Today, the Metropolitan Museum is governed by a private corporation of fellows and donors. Some of its most famous early acquisitions included a work by the Impressionist Renoir and in 1910 and it was the first museum to showcase a work by the Post-Impressionist Henri Matisse. Today, the Museum is famous for its Impressionist galleries as well as its Greek and Roman art and Egyptology wings.[footnoteRef:1] [1: "Main...
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