To the north of Tajikistan lies Kyrgyzstan, to the west lies Uzbekistan, to the east lies China and to the south lies Afghanistan. This state was formed due to the split of Central Asia in 1920 under Soviet rule. It covers an area of 143,100 sq. km. [1]
Early history
Soghdiana, the northern part of today's Tajikistan, was settled by Iranian tribes between 1,000 and 500 BC. Important cities of Tajikistan today Khujand and Panjkakent belonged to Soghdiana in ancient times. During their tarvelling to China and to the west, Soghdians adopted other religions such as Zoroastrianism, Christianity, Bhuddism and they also shared their knowledge with people whom they met on their way. During sixth to fourth centuries B.C, Tajikistan belonged to ancient Persia's Achaemenid Empire that was ruled by Darius I. In 333 B.C., Alexander the Great conquered it. [2][3][4]
Arab rule
In early Eighteenth Century, Islamic Arabs...
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