Furthermore, those people who did not speak Greek were referred to as barbar, the root of our word barbarian."[footnoteRef:5] [4: Ibid] [5: Ibid]
Question 3
There are many aspects of Greek culture and artistic traditions that have left their mark on civilization. These contributions included, their architecture, theatre and athletic competition.
Each one of these aspects requires a student of history to investigate and understand how these ideas have impacted human development.
Greek architecture stands out as a visual representation of how the Greeks preferred their living conditions. Greeks spent much time on the design of their buildings. Temples, a Greek staple, were adorned with many flourishes and exact proportions. Giant stone structures were placed in locations important to the region and as a source of pride. Besides temples, theaters and gyms were developed to provide a unique sense of community.
Ancient Greek theater is a lasting contribution of this...
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