Essay Instructions: General topic: "Your paper should offer a critical analysis of the U.S. Supreme Court's reasoning by focusing on the policy implications of the decision."
Topic case and brief description: District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008).In this case, the Supreme Court considered whether the Second Amendment gives individuals not connected with any state militia the right to own guns and its implications for gun control laws.<<<
Full instructions: A superior paper is structured carefully. Among other things, you should: briefly summarize or reconstruct the main points in the case; assess the key arguments advanced by both sides; identify the moral and political assumptions on which these arguments rely; and analyze the institutions, groups, and individuals likely to experience the impact of the decision. Develop a reasoned defense of your own views on the controversies at issue, and refute possible objections to your argument. Do not simply state your opinions; provide arguments for your views. Clear, systematic, and imaginative arguments will make for the most successful papers. This should be approximately two-thirds of the essay.
An important part of the essay is the impact analysis. If you identify the social, political, economic, and ideological forces that shaped the opinion, this should guide you to its effects. If possible, determine through empirical investigation whether the decision caused any specific reactions such as demands for new statutes or constitutional amendments, or whether the decision provoked public outcry for or against the policy. What enforcement problems might be encountered in the process of implementing the decision, if any? Even if empirical study is not feasible at present, how might one go about measuring the impact of the court case? Indicate what questions you would pose, what data would be relevant, and how you would go about gathering this information. This part should about one-third of the paper.
Research for this assignment is necessary. You should do some background reading on the general subject of your paper. Look for scholarly books, articles in journals and law reviews, and also newspaper coverage of the case. Consider at least six scholarly sources before writing your essay. Four should be in-depth articles, and two should be scholarly books. You should conduct two interviews with individuals or organizations affected by the ruling as part of the research project. (Please note that you should not contact professors unless they were directly involved in the litigation.) Include the names and titles of the individuals you interview in your bibliography, alphabetized according to surnames. Phone interviews are acceptable for the purpose of this assignment. One interview may be via email. Conduct your own interviews for your research project.
Proper Citation in the Endnotes and Bibliography
Be sure to cite your sources properly in the endnotes and bibliography. Your bibliography should be typed, and double-spaced. Be sure that every citation is complete. See the examples below as they serve as models for your bibliography. Also look at our course syllabus. All items in the bibliography should be in alphabetical order. Do not subdivide them by category, e.g., articles, books, and cases---just make one list. Please call the list of sources your bibliography or references. Do not use works cited because that refers only to sources you cite or quote. I prefer that you include all the sources you consulted whether you cite or quote them in the text of your paper.
Examples for the bibliography.
Article: Charlesworth, Hilary, Chinkin, Christine and Shelley Wright (1991). Feminist Approaches to International Law. American Journal of International Law 85, 613-645.
Book: Watson, Alan (1974). Legal Transplants: An Approach to Comparative Law. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1974.
In the endnotes, the names of authors in the notes should be first name first and then surname. This is the reverse of the order in the bibliography.
Papers without footnotes AND a bibliography will NOT be graded. Footnotes are required to indicate any ideas which are not your own. Any time you use a direct quotation from someone else or take an idea from a source, you must reveal this to the reader. This includes quotations from the court decision itself. Failure to acknowledge sources constitutes plagiarism and will result in a failing grade as well as possible University disciplinary action. Keep copies of all of your sources, as you may be asked to submit them should there be any question about your use of reference materials."
Note: Please pay extra attention to the bibliography and sources. :)
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