Essay Instructions: TOPIC: I shook hands with Bugs Bunny...? Describe and evaluate the role of schemas and stereotypes on recalling past events. What implications does this have for the accuracy of eyewitness accounts of events?
- Title page - Abstract (120 words max) - Essay - References
Students will need to:
- Define the schemas and stereotypes and their role in memory processing
- Review literature on schemas and stereotypes and recalling past events generally
- Review literature on schemas and stereotypes specific to eyewitness testimony
- Identify limitations or relative strengths of the studies in their attempt to understand the role of
schemas and stereotypes on accuracy of recall
- Draw out the implications of these findings to establish the impact of schemas and stereotypes
on accuracy of eyewitness testimony.
- Braun, K. A., Ellis, R., & Loftus, E. F. (2002). Make my memory: how advertising can change our memories of the past. Psychology and Marketing, 19, 1-23. (* NB: this is the Bugs Bunny study)
- Kleider, H. M., Goldinger, S. D., Knuycky, L. (2008). Stereotypes influence false memories for imagined events. Memory, 16, 97-114.
- Kleider, H. M., Pezdek, K., Goldinger, S. D., & Kirk, A. (2008). Schema-driven source misattribution errors: remembering the expected from a witnessed event. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22, 1- 20.
- Sacchi, D. L. M., Agnoli, F., & Lotfus, E. F. (2007). Changing history: doctored photographs affect memory for past public events. Applied Cognitive Psychology,21, 1005-1022.
- Tuckey, M. R., & Brewer, N. (2003). The influence of schemas, stimulus ambiguity, and interview schedule on eyewitness memory over time. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 9, 101-118.