Essay Instructions: Critically discussed the issues presented in the readings.
Antaki, C. (1982) A brief introduction to attribution and attributional theories. In C. Antaki & C. Brewin (eds) Attributions and psychological change: application of attributional theories to clinical and educational practice. (pp. 3-21). London: Academic Press.
Solomon, S. (1978). Measuring dispositional and situational attributions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 4, 589-593.
Weiner, B. (1980). Human motivation. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Read only pp. 341-352.
Nesdale, A.R. (1983). Effects of person and situation expectations on explanation seeking and causal attributions. British Journal of Social Psychology, 22, 93-99.
Weiner, B. (1985). "Spontaneous" causal Thinking. Psychological Bulletin, 97, 74-84.
Bohner, G., Bless, H., Schwarz, N. & Strack, F. (1988). What triggers causal attributions? The impact of valence and subjective probability. European Journal of Social Psychology, 18, 335-345.
Cutrona, C.E., Russell, D. and Jones, R.D. (1984). Cross-situational consistency in causal attributions: Does attributional style exist? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47, 1043-1058.
Burns, M.O. and Seligman, M.E.P. (1989). Explanatory style across the life span: evidence for stability over 52 years. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 56, 471-477.
Bains, G. (1983). Explanations and the need for control. In M. Hewstone (ed) Attribution theory: social and functional extensions. (pp. 126-143). Oxford: Blackwell.
Brown, J.D. & Siegel, J.M. (1988) Attributions for negative life events and depression: he role of perceived control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54, 316-322.
Anderson, C.A. & Deuser, W.E. (1993). The primacy of control in causal thinking and attributional style: an attributional functionalism perspective. In G. Weary, F. Gleicher & K.J. Marsh, Control motivation and social cognition. (pp. 94-121). New York: Springer-Verlag.
Buss, A.R. (1978). Causes and reasons in attribution theory: a conceptual critique. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 1311-1321.