Learning Objects Essay

Total Length: 983 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES Begin learning objectives guide practicum hours, activities undertake achieve objectives.

One of the most essential learning objectives that will guide the completion of my practicum hours is to "Conduct a comprehensive and systematic assessment of health and illness parameters in complex situations, incorporating diverse and culturally sensitive approaches" (American Association, 2006, p. 16). The parameters that I will be assessing will relate specifically to the area of treatment that the patients I service require. For instance, if I work with patients who are sedentary and require turning for their medication and treatment, I will systematically research and then test various theories and factors that are relevant to turning patients (WOCN, 2012). What is of immense importance of this practice of mine is to attempt to vary it as much as possible to account for the individuality of the patient. In the aforementioned example, for instance, this would require researching and possibly practicing turning male patients in a way that is different than for female patients -- or in accord with the particular type of wound or injury from which they are recovering. I would also need to research and specify this assessment of the relevant parameters according to cultures, which may vary based on religion, sexuality, race and ethnicity, as well as a host of other factors. Both my research and my incorporation of this research into my assessment and practice are the key activities for this objective, which should be conducted during the first third of my practicum hours.
My second learning objective is to unequivocally "design, implement, and evaluate therapeutic interventions based on nursing science and other sciences" (American Association 2006, p. 16). Again, the fulfillment of this particular objective hinges upon research into the various sciences that apply to the therapeutic interventions that specifically relate to my patients and their particular ailments, and requires me to formulate a plan of action based on that research. While researching this objective, I definitely plan to consider methodologies and germane applications for a number of disparate disciplines (which are actually all related to nursing) such as "biophysical, psychosocial, behavioral, sociopolitical, cultural, economic and nursing science as appropriate" (American Association, 2006, p. 16) to my particular area of specialty. Many of these areas of study can directly relate to the patient's level of comfort. Patients that are more relaxed, comfortable, and knowledgeable about what is going on around then tend to have better chances for healing and increasing their level of wellness. Therefore, measuring the methodologies of the diversity of sciences as they relate to the level of comfort they are able to produce in a patient is one of the most effective criteria for the assessment of therapeutic interventions. In this sense, then, the key activities for this learning objective would be researching relevant scientific applications and applying them to patients. This should occur either simultaneously or after the key activities for the first learning objective have been implemented.….....

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